TD I-110 Durable Keyguard Holder

A Keyguard Holder and protective Durable Case all in one for your TD I-110 device. Keyguards are plastic plates used on top of the screen to make buttons and keys simpler to find and use. You’ll need this Durable Case with Built-In Keyguard Holder to use a Keyguard with the TD I-110 (sold separately). You can also choose to add a Shoulder Strap to this case.

Durable Cases for the I-110 are also available without Keyguard Holders.


Size & Weight

Size (h x w x d)

15 x 9.5 x 3.2 in
(381 x 241.3 x 81.28 mm)


5 Ibs
2.3 kg


EyeMobile Plus